Tech Tools for Sleep Hygiene: Improving Sleep Quality — Chuck Schmalzried| Holistic Treatments

Chuck Schmalzried
2 min readApr 10, 2024

In a world where technology is ubiquitous, it’s no surprise that innovative tools and apps are emerging to address one of the most crucial aspects of well-being: sleep. Sleep hygiene, encompassing practices that promote quality sleep, is now benefitting from integrating technology. From innovative mattresses to sleep-tracking apps, these tech tools empower individuals to understand and enhance their sleep patterns, ultimately contributing to improved overall health.

Sleep Tracking Wearables: Smartwatches and fitness trackers have evolved to include advanced sleep-tracking features. These wearables monitor various sleep metrics, including duration, stages, and quality. By analyzing this data, users gain insights into their sleep patterns and can make informed adjustments to improve the overall quality of their rest.

Smart Mattresses and Sleep Monitors: Innovative smart mattresses and sleep monitors are equipped with sensors that track movement, heart rate, and even environmental factors like room temperature and ambient noise. These devices comprehensively analyze sleep patterns and offer personalized recommendations for optimizing sleep hygiene.

Sleep Sound Apps: Technology has given rise to many sleep sound apps designed to create a soothing environment for bedtime. These apps offer a variety of ambient sounds, from natural sounds to white noise, helping individuals create a conducive atmosphere for relaxation and better sleep.

Blue Light Filtering Apps: Exposure to blue light emitted by screens, especially before bedtime, can disrupt the body’s production of melatonin, a hormone essential for sleep. Blue light filtering apps adjust the color temperature of screens, reducing the amount of blue light emitted and promoting a more natural sleep-wake cycle.

Intelligent Lighting Systems: Smart lighting systems allow users to customize the lighting in their environment to support better sleep. These systems can simulate natural light patterns, gradually dimming as bedtime approaches and mimicking sunrise in the morning. This helps regulate the body’s internal clock and promote a healthy sleep-wake cycle.

Relaxation and Meditation Apps: Apps focused on relaxation and meditation contribute to improved sleep quality by helping individuals unwind before bedtime. Guided meditation sessions, deep-breathing exercises, and relaxation prompts assist in reducing stress and creating a calm mental state conducive to restful sleep.

Biofeedback Devices: Biofeedback devices measure physiological indicators, such as heart rate variability and skin conductance, providing real-time feedback on the body’s stress response. By using biofeedback, individuals can learn to manage stress and anxiety, improving sleep quality.

Originally published at on April 10, 2024.



Chuck Schmalzried

Chuck Schmalzried is the Co-Owner of Michelle Construction. Proud Veteran of the United State’s Air Force. Lover of hard work and people.